Výzva EASAC k nominaci expertů - Security of Sustainable Energy Supplies
24. 10. 2023
EASAC zveřejnil výzvu na nominaci expertů pro novou pracovní skupinu EASAC s názvem „Security of Sustainable Energy Supplies“.
Cílem nové pracovní skupiny EASAC je vypracovat studii (do konce roku 2024), která se zaměří na vědecké, technologické a ekonomické možnosti nabízející potenciální výhody a rizika pro bezpečnost udržitelných dodávek energie během přechodu energetického systému EU na nulové emise (net zero) do roku 2050.
Příklady požadovaného expertního zaměření:
- EU climate and energy policies/regulations relating to the energy transition to net zero by 2050,
renewables, energy efficiency, energy sector integration (coupling), and phasing out fossil fuels. - Security of energy supplies (including fuels and critical raw materials for energy technologies),
geo-politics / geo-economics, diversity of suppliers, fungibility, reliability, resilience, redundancy,
cyber-security, and market liquidity. - Fossil fuel (natural gas, oil and coal) networks and resources, including costs, prices and markets
(global and EU) - Renewable energy resources (on- and off-shore) including costs, prices and markets for wind,
solar, hydro, geothermal, and ocean energies for electricity and heat. - Bioenergy resources, costs and markets (including solid and liquid biofuels, biomethane and
biogas) production and use - Synthetic fuel costs and markets, including gaseous and liquid e-fuels
- Nuclear heat and power generation costs and markets using large and small modular reactors
- Hydrogen (green and blue) costs, markets, distribution, storage and uses (global and EU)
- EU wholesale and retail energy market design (electricity, gas, other fuels)
- District heating and cooling networks, including heat storage management (daily, inter-seasonal)
- Electricity grids and managing their flexibility with variable renewable electricity generation and
storage of electricity and heat - Managing energy demand (demand response) for industry, buildings, and transport
- Carbon capture and storage (CCS), status of development and costs
- Energy systems analysis and modelling (electricity, heat, and fossil and renewable fuels)
- Methane emissions and their management and control
- Energy poverty / energy justice / just transitions (household and industrial), and options for
addressing them - Energy economics, financing and incentive schemes
- Emission trading and carbon pricing
- Digitalisation of the energy sector (ICT, AI, IoT) and cyber security risks
- Life cycle analysis for greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprints
Pro více informací týkajících se výzvy i požadovaných dokumentů k nominaci (CV, doporučení ředitele/ředitelky ústavu) kontaktujte prosím sekretariát Vašeho ústavu. Interní deadline pro nominaci je 1. listopad 2023.
Foto: Pixabay
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