
EASAC výzva na nominaci peer reviewera

18. 11. 2022

EASAC vyhlašuje výzvu na nominaci peer reviewera pro návrh zprávy vypracovaný pracovní skupinou "Future of Gas".

Expert by se měl zaměřovat na jedno z následujících témat:

  • EU climate and energy policies/regulations relating to energy transition, net zero by 2050,  
    renewables, energy efficiency, energy sector integration, ETS, phasing out fossil fuels, etc.,
  • Natural gas resources, imports, costs, prices and markets (global and EU),
  • Natural gas infrastructure (pipe networks and storage management, costs, operational issues),
  • LNG supply, storage, infrastructure, and markets (global and EU),
  • Methane emissions from natural gas supply systems, and their management and control,
  • Shale gas production, fugitive emissions, and carbon footprint,
  • Biomethane and biogas production, distribution, and use,
  • Synthetic methane and other synthetic gases,
  • Hydrogen production from natural gas (blue) and from electrolysis (green),
  • Hydrogen markets, distribution, storage and uses (global and EU),
  • Use of natural and other gases for power generation,
  • Uses of natural and other gases in industry (chemicals, fertilisers, grey hydrogen, etc),
  • Uses of natural and other gases in buildings,
  • Uses of natural and other gases for transport,
  • Uses of natural gas as a feedstock for chemical and other industries,
  • Carbon capture and storage (CCS), status of development and costs,
  • Renewable electricity generation,
  • EU electricity market design,
  • Electricity grids (flexibility management with variable renewable electricity generation),
  • Heat and electricity storage,
  • Energy systems analysis and modelling (electricity, heat, and fossil and renewable fuels),
  • Energy poverty (household and industrial), and options for addressing it,
  • Energy economics, financing and incentive schemes,
  • Natural sciences, social and behavioural sciences and energy economics,
  • Life cycle analysis (for greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprints). 

Životopis nominovaného experta spolu se stručným doporučujícím dopisem ředitele/ředitelky ústavu musí být zaslán nejpozději do 2. 12. 2022, a to na e-mailovou adresu – Vše v angličtině.

Výzva je určena pro zaměstnance pracovišť AV ČR.


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