
Výběrová řízení

03. 12. 2024
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č. 283/1992 Sb. o Akademii věd České republiky, ve znění zákona č. 420/2005 Sb. a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici Postdoc in Experimental Biophysics (Fluorescence Microscopy).

The J. Heyrovský Institute is a leading and prestigious research institution in the Czech Republic, known worldwide and with established international cooperation. The Institute is a center of fundamental research in physical chemistry and chemical physics, biophysics, theoretical chemistry and electrochemistry.


The Department of Biophysical Chemistry (the group of Radek Šachl) is looking for a highly motivated


in Experimental Biophysics (Fluorescence Microscopy)


To work on a new project entitled Mapping galectin-ganglioside networks on complex model membrane systems.

A three-year postdoctoral position is available in a young, international and creative team with a collaborative atmosphere, in laboratories with leading-edge technology and equipment.

The main goal of the project is to addresses crucial gaps in our understanding of the interactions between galectins, particularly proto-type galectin-1 and chimera-type galectin-3, with ganglioside GM1. The application of innovative methodologies, such as microaspirated giant lipid vesicles and lifetime fluorescence imaging, provides a cutting-edge approach to elucidate the existence and fundamental characteristics of galectin lattices. The impact of this research extends to a diverse array of physiological processes, including cell signaling, growth regulation, and the unconventional secretion of galectins, thereby offering insights from precisely defined biological membrane model systems into various pathological conditions.



  • PhD degree in chemistry, physics, or related fields
  • Experience in biophysical and biochemical methods
  • Competence in fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy
  • Proficiency in data analysis and presentation using Origin and Matlab
  • Ability to consolidate the work of scientific team, defining and monitoring the work of students, reporting and presenting the results
  • Very good communication skills in written and spoken English.


We offer

  • Work in young, dynamic team of scientists and students
  • Employment in the leading scientific institute of the Czech Republic with excellent scientometry and strong commitment to its employees (Human Resources Excellence in Research Award)
  • Flexible working hours
  • Competitive salary; 25 days of vacation + 5 days of free time and 3 sick days
  • The proximity of childcare groups on the CAS campus
  • Pension contribution
  • Possibility of further career and personal development (trainings, workshops)
  • Language courses at reduced price


Start date: 1. March 2025


For more information see:


For further information regarding the position please contact:

Radek Šachl:


Interested candidates can send their CV, PhD certificate, motivation letter (with a brief summary of previous research activities), and names plus contacts of three references to email (contact person Lucie Novotná). Please, write in the subject line of your email SC2024_39.


The J. Heyrovský Institute is committed to equality in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from all qualified individuals regardless of gender or other personal background.          

Uzávěrka přihlášek: 01. 01. 2025

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