
REMINDER: TANDEM Program, CNRS – CAS, for 2022-2024

29. 03. 2021

This year, the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences in Prague (CEFRES)/CNRS, and the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) are launching the third call for applications for the “TANDEM” incubator program.TANDEM” is a program of the CEFRES Platform and endeavors to excellency in social sciences and humanities.

The aim of the TANDEM program is to associate two researchers, one from the AV ČR, one from CNRS (French National Research Center), around a joint research project leading to the submission of an ERC project (Synergy Grant, but also Starting, Consolidation, or Advanced grants). ERC projects may be submitted no more than twice during the appointment of the team at CEFRES.

The third TANDEM team will work for two years, starting in February 2022. It will be based at CEFRES in Prague.

The CAS researcher of the TANDEM team will be appointed for 50% of his/her work time at CEFRES with extra salary. The researcher from CNRS will benefit from a 7 month-long research stay at CEFRES (so-called SMI – “Soutien à mobilité internationale” program) from February to August 2022, then from a 2 year-long appointment at CEFRES from September 2022 (so-called “affectation” program supported by CNRS). The TANDEM team may also recruit a post-doctoral researcher co-funded by CEFRES and the Charles University.

IMPORTANT: Information on the TANDEM program is published by the Czech Academy of Sciences (for researchers from the CAS) and at the same time via CEFRES (for researchers from the CNRS).

Project proposals in English (preferred) or in French must be completed and submitted within the stated deadline. Knowledge of English is enough for those interested (the aim of the program is not only to support French-speaking applicants)

CAS researchers should submit their applications exclusively via the KIS online application ( An approval of the CAS Institute Director is necessary in the KIS application.

CNRS researchers should send their applications to Jérôme Heurtaux, Director of CEFRES (please find the contact below). Information here.

The selection procedure is two-round. To register for the first round, it is recommended (but not compulsory) to have already a partner from the CNRS but finding him is a necessary condition for evaluation of the project in the second round. The deadline for submission is May 16, 2021.


January 20, 2021: Publication of the call for applications.

May 16, 2021: Deadline for the 1st round of applications.

May 31, 2021: Pre-selection of the 3 best applications by a committee composed of representatives from the CAS, CEFRES, UK, and CNRS. The pre-selection will be based on the quality of the research projects and their potential for an ERC application.

June 12, 2021: Launch of the call for applications for a post-doctoral researcher at CEFRES,
co-funded by the Charles University and CEFRES, for 2 years (2022–2024). The call will be advertised on both Charles University’s and CEFRES’s websites.

September 15, 2021: Deadline for the 2nd round for the 3 pre-selected researchers (from CNRS and/or CAS). The name and details related to their CNRS or CAS counterpart within the TANDEM team must be enclosed in these final applications.

October 4, 2021: Selection of the 2020–2022 TANDEM team by the committee. The final selection will be based on the potential of the team for an ERC application. Among the members of the commission nominated by AV ČR are the CEFRES Director and representatives from CNRS and UK.

November 2021: Deadline for application of the CNRS researcher of the TANDEM team to CNRS for a 7 months-long research stay at CEFRES (so-called SMI – “Soutien à mobilité internationale” program) from February to August 2022.

January 2022: Beginning of the project realization by the CAS researcher.

March 2022: Deadline for the application of the CNRS researcher of the selected TANDEM team for her/his two-year “affectation” at CEFRES (September 2022–August 2024).


Feel free to send any inquiries related to your TANDEM application, especially to find a potential CAS research partner, to the following coordinators:

Tomáš Kostelecký, member of the CAS Academy Council of and coordinator of the CAS for the TANDEM program.


Jérôme Heurtaux, Director of CEFRES and coordinator for CEFRES and CNRS for the TANDEM program. The CEFRES Director may help CNRS (or CAS) applicants to find potential CAS (or CNRS) research partners.


Denisa Jetelinová, the CAS, Division of International Cooperation, Národní 3, 117 20 Prague 1

e-mail: , tel: (+420) 221 403 354

The Czech Academy of Sciences (the CAS)

The mission of the CAS

The primary mission of the CAS is to conduct research in a broad spectrum of natural, technical and social sciences as well as humanities. This research aims to advance progress of scientific knowledge at the international level, considering, however, the specific needs of the Czech society and the national culture.

President of the CAS

Prof. Eva Zažímalová has started her second term of office in May 2021. She is a respected scientist, and a Professor of Plant Anatomy and Physiology.

She is also a part of GCSA of the EU.