RNDr. Antonín Fejfar, CSc.
Fejfar studied physical microelectronics from 1981 to 1986 at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague. In 1991 he defended a CSc. (Ph.D. equivalent) thesis about the preparation of organic semiconducting thin films and then he went for a post-doctoral stay to Kyoto University, Japan (1991–93). Since 1994 he works at Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, where he became deputy director in 2017. In 2007–8 he was a visiting professor at the Institute of Chemical Research of Kyoto University.
In his research he specializes in physics of thin films of nanostructured semiconductors for application in solar cells and photonics. He is an author or coauthor of more than 160 publications which have been cited more than 2200 times (h-index = 25), 2 patents and 1 utility design.
From 2011 to 2017 he served as a vice president and from 2017 to 2021 as a president of the Science Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences. His focus on renewable energy led him to become involved in the Committee on Energy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He has introduced the topic of environmental awareness and the sustainability of the academic research into the Academic Council agenda.
He is also a member of scientific boards of the Technical University in Liberec and of the Central European Technological Institute (CEITEC) Nano at Brno University of Technology. He represents the Czech Republic in the IUVSTA Nanometer Structures Division.
He is one of the main organizers of the international summer school series on Physics at Nanoscale. He supervised students on undergraduate and graduate levels as well as high school students in the Open Science project. He takes part in popularization of science, in particular in the field of solar energy and nanosciences.
Phone: +420 220 318 501 |
E-mail: fejfar@fzu.cz |